We offer a wide range of system and network services, from design, through implementation to maintenance.

For better sustainability of your business environment, we offer the following network and monitoring solutions:
  • Routing & Switching solutions
  • Wireless (Wi-Fi) solutions
  • Cabling systems
  • System monitoring

Our team of professionals offers a complete design solution, construction and maintenance of IT systems, as well as security and storage solutions through following services:

  • Defining the requirements and planning of IT systems
  • Draft and design of IT systems
  • The implementation of IT systems
  • Testing of IT systems
  • Documentation, staff training and maintenance
  • Storing data on various mediums (disk systems, network drives, RAID etc.)

IT Engineering

Connectivity is a base for business and personal communication where different channels of information interchange are increasingly converging. The main goal of our IT team is to ensure constant connectivity of your endpoints and the continued vitality of your IT systems. Whether you need to build a new information system or upgrade an existing one, our creative IT capabilities will do everything to meet your requirements.

System Integration

To make your system act as a whole, it is necessary to carry out a good preparation, followed by the implementation of the system. Next step is, of course, maintanance. In addition to all of this, we also provide advice on purchasing equipment, and delivery of required goods for the system implementation.

Security and storage

Don't risk data loss! We have ready solutions that will securely store your data in several locations using redundancy. Whether you need a software or hardware solution to save your data, our team of experts is here to meet your demands.

VPN Solutions

We offer virtual private networks via an existing global communication solution (Internet), which is by its topology, availability and strong cryptography protocols a technically better and safer way to connect. VPN solutions are specifically successful when connecting branch companies, or for remote access – granting faraway users premission to use data within the company, in a secure manner. Our team has years of experience implementing virtual private networks on platforms such as Cisco, MikroTik and many others.

Network operations and monitoring

We offer design, implementation and maintenance of network information systems, using the latest technologie. Remote maintenance of your IT systems and networks is included as well, and it reduces the time required in responding to a system error. Our company also provides services like creating system's technical documentation and advising on selecting the best network solutions for your business. In addition, we perform cabling with full implementation and maintenance of telecommunications facilities.